Portability and advanced built-in functions

The source code involved in Toba is only dependent on the standard libraries of the C language. The compilation performs both the on-the-fly calculation of constants and the construction of a machine code optimized for the portions of the program concerned by the fast algorithmic processing.  

In order to facilitate the learning of the language and to improve the speed of development, the builtins functions are carefully realized in order to obtain the minimum of input parameters while trying to cover the totality of the associated need. A single builtin function must be able to act on a maximum number of data types in order to be as versatile as possible and thus avoid endless searches in the documentation. A sufficient number of standardized internal functions will allow the developer to focus more on the goal than on how to achieve it.


Toba is an interpreted programming language that runs smoothly. The next versions will make it possible to obtain a speed close to the low-level languages associated with the use of the graphics card. Working progress ...

Cross compiler

Toba makes it easy to create an executable optimized for the host system or for a target system.

Light weight

The core of Toba is an executable file that does not exceed 2 megabytes.

Customizable language

Toba is a general-purpose programming language that could at the same time specialize according to your requests. Author's support.

Getting Started

The Toba kernel is distributed for free without the source code. For this reason, the Toba kernel is considered freeware. It nevertheless offers you the possibility to use your work in commercial applications.

All source files distributed in the installer (Tests, examples, libraries) are open source and subject to the free and permissive MIT license. Toba is free, but needs financial support to sustain its continued improvements. In addition to maintenance and stability there are many desirable features yet to be added. If your company is using Toba, please consider reaching out.

The future evolution of Toba

Developers who recognize themselves in the philosophy of this programming language come forward so that we can make it evolve together. Any company willing to support this project will be welcome.